The Swiss Job Market Monitor of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zurich

The Swiss Job Market Monitor (SJMM), which is headed by Prof. Dr. Marlis Buchmann, pursues the objective of contributing to job market transparency and informing the general public about current developments on the job market. SJMM monitors the Swiss job market using continuous representative surveys of job advertisements on companies’ most important advertising channels.

The data collected is analysed, contextualised and combined with other job market data, such as job-seeker or employment figures. As a result, scientifically substantiated knowledge is obtained about the Swiss job market, both regarding short-term fluctuations and medium and long-term developments.

The Swiss job market: 13 years of experience

The Adecco Group Switzerland and the Swiss Job Market Monitor (SMM) of the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zurich have worked closely together in the field of job market studies for around 13 years.

Since 2018, the Adecco Group Switzerland, in collaboration with the Swiss Job Market Monitor at the Institute of Sociology at the University of Zurich, is publishing a comprehensive annual study about the current extent and the development of the skills shortage in Switzerland. The findings of these studies are based on the quarterly surveys of the Adecco Group Swiss Job Market Index (Job Index). For around 13 years, this has been a scientifically substantiated and comprehensive measured quantity for the development of job vacancies in Switzerland.

The Swiss Skills Shortage Index is the first annual study on the skills shortage in Switzerland that is based on representative data collection.

In collaboration with
Helen Buchs

Collaboratrice scientifique
au Moniteur suisse du marché de l’emploi (SMM)
Institut de sociologie de l’université de Zurich

Tel. +41 44 635 23 32,